As our 70th anniversary year comes to a close, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your incredible generosity and unwavering support throughout the past year. Your commitment to Avenues and the people we serve has made a lasting impact and significant difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities.
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This July Avenues to Independence celebrated the 35th Anniversary of the Avenues/ Gorman Golf & Tennis Classic on Monday July 24 at the Park Ridge Country Club.
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The 33rd Annual Avenues/Gorman Golf & Tennis Classic was held on Monday August 9 at the Park Ridge Country Club. New to this year’s event was Cardio Tennis, which replaced the traditional tennis matches.
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Avenues to Independence is so fortunate to have been able to have a modified version of the 32nd Annual Avenues/Gorman Classic. On September 21st golfers and tennis players were able to safely participate at the Park Ridge Country Club. Together, we raised more than $112,000 for Avenues programs during these critical times.
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On May 29, Illinois entered Phase Three of its reopening plan. With your help and that of many others, the folks with disabilities at Avenues have been able to weather the COVID storm and now can look forward to brighter days as Avenues and the rest of Illinois returns to normal.
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On July 22 Avenues held the Annual Avenues/ Gorman Golf, Tennis and Paddle Classic. This is the 31st Classic held at the Park Ridge Country Club. It was a successful event raising nearly $215,000 to help support improvements to the health and fitness programs at the Center for Independence. Avenues Board President Jerry Feldman introduced Jenny and Stephanie, two Avenues program participants, who shared their excitement for the improvements with guests.
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