Avenues to Independence provides a variety of flexible day programming options located in the northwest suburbs and Chicago. These include contract packaging jobs, community employment, workforce training, computer training, art programming, and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Contract Packaging at Wheeling

Avenues work center, located in Wheeling offers job training and employment opportunities specializing in packaging and assembly operations. Individuals are paid to package, label and collate various items for jobs that are contracted with businesses. Individuals learn important and socially acceptable work skills, designed to ready them for employment in the community. Revenue from job contracts also helps to support agency programming.

Computer Training

The computer center, located within Avenues work center provides workers with new job and enrichment skills: increasing their quality of life at work and home. Under the guidance of a computer specialist, state of the art technology available throughout the work center, benefits individuals with all disabilities.

Creative Avenues

Creative Avenues gives participants the opportunity to embrace and express their creativity through a variety of fine art mediums and practices. While participants can produce art for their own enjoyment entrepreneurial opportunities exist and artwork can be sold for income.